Carnegie Mellon University

Financial Support & Fellowships

Full financial support is offered to all full-time Ph.D. students, including tuition and stipend. The support is typically in the form of teaching assistantships for the first year (one semester is a degree requirement) and later as either a teaching assistant or as a research assistant. Every effort is made to provide continuous financial support for students who are in good standing in the program.

The basic monthly stipend for 2024–2025 is $3000/month. This departmental support is guaranteed for 9 months during the academic year. Support for the summer is normally provided from research funds by the student's research advisor, so the basic annual stipend is $36,000. Additional financial support includes tuition ($50,000) and fees ($976). Graduate student also receive health care coverage through the university health care plan.

Supplemental fellowships

A small number of outstanding incoming students will receive additional fellowships beyond the basic stipend based on merit. We are grateful for the endowed funds that establish three supplemental named fellowships:

  • Dr. Joseph A. Solomon Memorial Fellowship in Chemistry
  • Dr. Konrad M. Weis Fellowship in Chemistry
  • Dr. Julius A. Vida, S'60, S'61, Fellowship in Chemistry

Note that Dr. Vida has a preference for students from his home country of Hungary. If there are no Hungarian students who are eligible, a top student will be selected from among other excellent applicants.

Competitive applicants are also encouraged to pursue other fellowships. Both NSF and NIH provide support for 5 years.


Note for M.S. Students

Students whose goal is a terminal Masters degree do not receive financial support from the department. Occasionally, students may receive support from their industrial employers. Full-time Ph.D. studies are required to receive a stipend from the Department of Chemistry. More details about financial support and policies can be found in the Guide to Graduate Studies.

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