John & Nancy Harrison Legacy Graduate Fellowship in Chemistry and Biochemistry
Thanks to the generosity of Drs. John and Nancy Harrison, the Department is very pleased to announce the competition for a Dissertation Fellowship originally established by the Harrisons in 2001. Note that the recipient of the fellowship will be expected to write to the donors periodically to keep them apprised of ongoing progress and to provide a copy of the thesis upon graduation.
All ABD students are eligible to apply. We will identify 1-2 students to receive the fellowship beginning in September and continuing for up to one year, or until they graduate, whichever comes first. $3000/year will supplement the student’s stipend, and a total of $1000 can be used for the student’s travel to conferences.
The process for selecting a student will be based on supporting a dedicated graduate student who is already demonstrating promise with research accomplishments and other indications of leadership potential. Students who wish to be considered must submit 6 copies of the following:
- a self-nomination letter summarizing his/her research accomplishments (2-3 pages, 12 pt font and 1.5 line spacing),
- curriculum vita complete with all presentations given and manuscripts submitted,
- unofficial academic record (which you can print in Student Information Online), and
- up to two reprints or preprints, or up to two sample unpublished papers (e.g. progress report, original proposal, and/or papers in preparation).
The student should also arrange for:
- one letter of support from a faculty member or other appropriate Ph.D. other than his/her research advisor(s) who knows his/her work (e.g. an advisory committee member, collaborator, visiting researcher or postdoctoral fellow in the group). This letter can be emailed separately to Lorna Williams,
Applications should be submitted as a single pdf to Lorna Williams via email (, also indicating who is providing the letter of support. Questions should be addressed to Lorna Williams at x83150 or The final decisions will be made by the Graduate Program Committee in consultation with the Department Head (note that GPC members whose own students are applying will not serve on the award committee).