Carnegie Mellon University


Please read the policies page for general information if you have not done so.

  • Users must receive training. Contact Prof. Mark Bier at to arrange training, offered typically in September, February and June.
  • If more than 3 samples per month are expected, training to become a user-operator is recommended for faster turnaround time and lower cost to the user.
  • Additional training sessions can be arranged for special circumstances by agreement with Prof. Bier.

Mass Spectrometry

  • Contact Prof. Mark Bier,
  • Training typically starts within one-week after you have read the operator’s manual (2-3 hours).
  • A time will be set up with the MS instructor and will usually include 2-3 other students.
  • You will need to pass an exam before you can use the mass spectrometer or your choice.

Photon Spectroscopy

Sample drop-off is not available for these instruments.