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English Department in the News
Millennial Academe: The New Campus Novel
Inside Higher Ed: Literary & Cultural faculty member Jeffrey Williams published an article entitled “Millennial Academe: The New Campus Novel" in June.

The Best Poetry of 2020
The New York Times Book Review: Associate Professor of English Lauren Shapiro's collection of poetry, Arena, is featured in "The Best Poetry of 2020."

Banned Books Week Celebrates 'Freedom to Read'
"The Confluence": Interview on WESA with Kitty Shropshire, Ph.D. student in the English Literary and Cultural Studies program at Carnegie Mellon University, and instructor of a course on banned books.
Women & Business Profile: Sam Garfinkel
Pittsburgh Magazine: MA Rhetoric alum Sam Garfinkel is featured in the February 2022 issue of Pittsburgh Magazine after becoming Executive Director of Meta Mesh Wireless Communities.