Sustainability Science
Stefan Bernhard
Faculty Profile
Research in luminescent materials, solar fuels, organic photovoltaics, organic light emitting devices, circular polarized luminescence.
Terrence Collins
Faculty Profile
Green chemistry, green oxidation catalysis in water, inorganic chemistry, biomimetic chemistry of peroxidase enzymes, mechanisms of oxidation catalysis, novel approaches to water purification
Neil Donahue
Faculty Profile
Atmospheric chemistry, organic aerosol, kinetics, reaction dynamics, radical-molecule reactivity, ozonolysis, mass spectrometry
Hyung Kim
Faculty Profile
Theoretical and computational chemistry, equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, computer simulations, chemical reactions and spectroscopy in solution, green solvents, supercapacitors, multi-domain proteins
Ryan Sullivan
Faculty Profile
Atmospheric chemistry, aerosol instrumentation, single-particle analysis, mass spectrometry, laser spectroscopy, heterogeneous chemistry, combustion, particle hygroscopicity, cloud nucleation, aerosol-cloud-climate interactions
Computational Finance
William Hrusa
Faculty Profile
Partial differential equations, integral equations, and calculus of variations
Dmitry Kramkov
Faculty Profile
Mathematical finance and Theory of Stochastic Processes with equilibrium-based models
Martin Larsson
Faculty Profile
Mathematical Finance and related topics in stochastic analysis and probability
Steven Shreve
Faculty Profile
Derivative securities, utility maximization, optimal execution of large financial transactions, modeling of queueing systems in heavy traffic when tasks have deadlines for completion
Tina Kahniashvili
Faculty Profile
High quality cosmological data, observations of the cosmic microwave background, large scale structure distribution, gravitational lensing, and other observational data supporting a consistent "standard" model of the universe
Rachel Mandelbaum
Faculty Profile
Observational cosmology and galaxy studies, weak gravitational lensing and other analysis techniques
Diana Parno
Faculty Profile
Physics of the neutrino, a fundamental particle that is generated in particle decays and nuclear reactions and that, in the Standard Model of particle physics, interacts only via the weak force
Ira Rothstein
Faculty Profile
Elementary particle physics, gravity wave physics, astrophysics/cosmology and QCD
Life Sciences Breakthroughs
Luisa Hiller
Faculty Profile
Bacterial infections, comparative genomics, bioinformatics, and phylogenetics to banked bacterial isolates from clinical infections
Frederick Lanni
Faculty Profile
Mechanical activities of non-muscle cells drive many processes in embryonic development, tissue maintenance and healing, immune cell migration and function, neuronal circuit formation, and progression of certain diseases
Tina Lee
Faculty Profile
The structure and function relationship of the endoplasmic reticulum and how the structure of the organelle might be modified to respond to changes in cell physiology
Adam Linstedt
Faculty Profile
Molecular mechanisms that establish and maintain the membrane bounded subcellular compartments of the secretory and endocytic pathways
C. Joel McManus
Faculty Profile
Variation in gene expression and how it contributes to phenotypic diversity and disease
Jonathan Minden
Faculty Profile
Gene and cellular mutation and pattern formation in environmental changes and proteomics
Gordon Rule
Faculty Profile
Inter-molecular interactions in biological systems, enzyme-substrate interactions, protein-lipid interactions, antibody-antigen interactions, RNA structure, and protein-nucleic acid interactions
Russell Schwartz
Faculty Profile
Analysis of genetic variations, with specific application to inference of population subgroups and phylogenetic
John Woolford
Faculty Profile
Assembly of ribosomes in eukaryotes, identify and characterize proteins necessary for the biogenesis of ribosomes
Huaiying Zhang
Faculty Profile
Investigate functional significance of phase transition in cells, engineer synthetic organelles, control phase transition for cancer therapy
Yongxin (Leon) Zhao
Faculty Profile
Mapping structural and molecular properties of complex biological systems
Subha Das
Faculty Profile
Organic synthesis, nucleic acids chemistry, RNA biochemistry, RNA-protein recognition, nanotechnology
Yisong (Alex) Guo
Faculty Profile
Spectroscopy, bioinorganic chemistry, Mössbauer and EPR spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation techniques, nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS), synchrotron Mössbauer, metalloproteins, enzyme mechanisms, transition metal complexes, electronic structures, density functional theory
Michael Hendrich
Faculty Profile
Spectroscopy, biophysical chemistry, enzymatic mechanisms, bioinorganic chemistry, metalloenzymes
Anna Kietrys
Faculty Profile
Chemical biology, RNA structure & function, epitranscriptomics, RNA signaling, ageing & neurodegeneration
Maria Kurnikova
Faculty Profile
Theory,computational chemistry, biophysical, molecular modeling, continuum electrostatics, drift-diffusion models, ion channels, membrane receptors, signal transduction, membrane protein structure-function relations, flexibility and rigidity in protein dynamics.
Danith Ly
Faculty Profile
Bioorganic chemistry, chemical biology, gene regulation, cellular delivery, protein engineering, molecular self-assembly
Shiladitya Banerjee
Faculty Profile
Internal structures and machineries of a living cell impacts its shape, physical properties, and ability to communicate with other cells
Mark Deserno
Faculty Profile
Theoretical and computational techniques regarding lipid membranes, proteins, viruses, or DNA
Frank Heinrich
Faculty Profile
Disease-relevant proteins, peptides, and small molecules at interfaces and, in particular, interacting with lipid membranes
Quantum Information
Roy Briere
Faculty Profile
High-energy particle physics, the study of the decays and other properties of the different types of quarks
Randall Feenstra
Faculty Profile
Structural and electronic properties of semiconductor materials and devices
Benjamin Hunt
Faculty Profile
Condensed-matter physics, electrons behavior under extreme conditions in ultra-low temperatures and high magnetic fields
Jyoti Katoch
Faculty Profile
Electronic, optical and spin dependent properties of novel quantum materials like two-dimensional materials and their devices
Colin Morningstar
Faculty Profile
Nonperturbative phenomena in quantum field theories, with particular emphasis on the study of hadron formation and confinement in quantum chromodynamics using computer simulations of quarks and gluons
Simranjeet Singh
Faculty Profile
Magnetism, spin transport and spin dynamics in low dimensional condensed matter systems
Materials of the Future
Bruce Armitage
Faculty Profile
Bioorganic chemistry, fluorescent dyes, DNA nanotechnology, molecular evolution, peptide nucleic acids, molecular recognition of DNA/RNA, G quadruplexes
Mark Bier
Faculty Profile
Biophysical chemistry, environmental chemistry, analytical chemistry, virus particles, nanoparticles, heavy ion mass spectrometry, water analysis by MS
Emile Bominaar
Faculty Profile
Electronic structure; spin; transition-metal complexes; metal clusters; theory; computational; density functional theory; exchange interactions; hyperfine interactions; Mössbauer spectroscopy; magneto optical spectroscopy; magneto chemistry; bioinorganic chemistry
Roberto Gil
Faculty Profile
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, residual dipolar couplings, residual chemical shift anisotropy, anisotropic polymer gels, natural products, characterization of nucleic acids, peptides, synthetic polymers and small molecules in general
Olexandr Isayev
Faculty Profile
Theoretical and computational chemistry, machine learning, cheminformatics, drug discovery, computer-aided molecular design, materials informatics
Tomasz Kowalewski
Faculty Profile
Physical chemistry, atomic force microscopy, proximal probe techniques, organic electronics, nano-structured materials, nanographene, self-assembly of organic materials, characterization of nanostructures, device fabrication and characterization
Krzysztof Matyjaszewski
Faculty Profile
Polymer synthesis, controlled/living polymerization, macromolecular engineering, bio-related polymers, organic/inorganic hybrids, catalysis, green chemistry
Kevin Noonan
Faculty Profile
Polymer chemistry, organometallics, homogeneous catalysis, organophosphorus chemistry
Linda Peteanu
Faculty Profile
Photophysics, laser spectroscopy, microscopy, Stark spectroscopy, conjugated materials, nucleic acids, fluorescent labels, plasmonics
Stefanie Sydlik
Faculty Profile
Polymer science, materials chemistry, biomaterials, electronic materials
Newell Washburn
Faculty Profile
Materials chemistry, biomaterials, green chemistry, machine learning
David Yaron
Faculty Profile
Theory, computational, electronic structure theory, machine learning, materials theory, photophysics, spectroscopy
Sara Majetich
Faculty Profile
Magnetic nanoparticles that have very uniform sizes, their fundamental behavior and possible applications in data storage media, permanent magnets, and biomedicine
Michael Widom
Faculty Profile
Theoretical modeling of novel materials in condensed matter and biological physics settings, methods of statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics and computer simulation used to investigate structure, stability and properties of these materials
Irene Fonseca
Faculty Profile
Mathematical study of shape memory alloys, ferroelectric, magnetic materials, composites, thin structures, phase transitions in fluids and solids, and the mathematical analysis of image segmentation, denoising, detexturing and recolorization in computer vision
Giovanni Leoni
Faculty Profile
Variational problems involving material defects, such as dislocations; the epitaxial growth of a thin film over a crystalline substrate; phase field models for anisotropic crystalline energies; phase transitions problems; water waves
Alison Barth
Faculty Profile
Understanding how experience assembles and alters the properties of neural circuits in the cerebral cortex, in both normal and disease states
Aryn Gittis
Faculty Profile
Neural circuits in the basal ganglia in movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and dystonia
Kate Hong
Faculty Profile
Determine how cortical and subcortical activity cooperate to mediate sensory-motor transformations in parallel, providing a foundation for understanding behavioral deficits and recovery mechanisms associated with cortical injury
Eric Yttri
Faculty Profile
Establish how neural circuits lead to action selection decisions in impairments like stroke and Parkinson's disease
Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Thomas Bohman
Faculty Profile
Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics and discrete mathematical problems
Clinton Conley
Faculty Profile
Descriptive set theory, equivalence relations arising from measurable group actions or measurable graphs
James Cummings
Faculty Profile
Combinatorial objects, structure theory of linear orderings and posets, rainbow Ramsey theory, strong forcing axioms, and new forcing techniques for obtaining consistency results in singular cardinal combinatorics
Florian Frick
Faculty Profile
Geometric-topological methods, intersection combinatorics of convex hulls in Euclidean space, inscribing geometric shapes into curves, partitioning a point set by hyperplanes
Alan Frieze
Faculty Profile
Probabilistic Combinatorics and its application to Theoretical Computer Science and Operations Research
Rami Grossberg
Faculty Profile
Model theory of mathematical logic, related combinatorial, set-theoretic problems and applications to algebra
David Kinderlehrer
Faculty Profile
Applied mathematics and in analysis, in differential equations in materials, cell biology, mechanisms of intracellular transport, and models of ion transport
Wesley Pegden
Faculty Profile
Probabilistic combinatorics, combinatorial game theory, graph theory, and discrete geometry
Agoston Pisztora
Faculty Profile
Probabilistic analysis of random fields, certain disordered systems and of phase transitions
Dejan Slepcev
Faculty Profile
Applied analysis, partial differential equations, calculus of variations, optimal transportation, as well as tools of probability, statistics, functional analysis, and scientific computation to address applied problems
Richard Statman
Faculty Profile
Mathematical logic, proof theory and the theory of computation, theory of programming languages (computer science), theory of functional programming, lambda calculus/ combinatory logic
Tomasz Tkocz
Faculty Profile
Analysis, probability and convex geometry, with an emphasis on high-dimensional phenomena, inequalities in information theory
Noel Walkington
Faculty Profile
The development and analysis of numerical algorithms required for the approximation of partial differential equations