Carnegie Mellon University

Past Ph.D. recipients by year:

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994


Ting-Wei Chao
Problems in Discrete Geometry, Incidence Geometry, and Extremal Graph Theory
Advisor: Boris Bukh
Entry Position: Instructor in Applied Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Wei Dai
Ergodic Aspects of Graphing Equivalence Relations
Advisor: Clinton Conley
Entry Position: Postdoc, Nankai University, China

Pedro Marun
Spaces, trees and labelled sets
Advisor: James Cummings
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechia

Mihalis Sarantis
Independent sets in hypergraphs and related problems
Advisor: Prasad Tetali
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Graz University of Technology, Styria, Austria

Felix Weilacher
Definable combinatorics in descriptive set theory, computability theory, and beyond
Advisor: Clinton Conley
Entry Position: NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California-Berkeley

Zoe Wellner
Colorful Equivariant Topological Methods in Discrete Mathematics
Advisor: Florian Frick
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

Lantian Xu
On the Interacting Particle-Based Dynamic for Sampling in High Dimensions
Advisor: Dejan Slepčev
Entry Position: Quantitative Trader, Tower Research Capital, New York

Wentao Yang
On successive categoricity, stability and NIP in abstract elementary classes
Advisor: Rami Grossberg
Entry Position: Researcher (level B2), Inner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia, China


Zhijun Chen
Conditioning of Random Feature Matrices and Sparse Recovery
Advisor: Hayden Schaeffer
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, NIH, Bethesda, MD

Zichao Dong
Several problems in extremal combinatorics
Advisor: Boris Bukh
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Basic Science - Extremal Combinatorics and Probability Group, Daejeon, South Korea

Junichi Koganemaru
Traveling wave solutions to the free boundary Navier-Stokes equations
Advisor: Ian Tice
Entry Position: Visiting Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh

Samson Leung
Stability, Categoricity and Axiomatization of Abstract Elementary Classes
Advisor: Rami Grossberg
Entry Position: Assistant Teaching Professor, Penn State University, State College, PA

Anish Sevekari
Probabilistic Analysis of Various Algorithms
Advisor: Wesley Pegden
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Biology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Yifan Sun
Topics on modeling high dimensional time series data
Advisor: Hayden Schaeffer
Entry Position: Algo Quant, Barclays Capital, New York, NY

Yukun Yue
Convergence Analysis Of Numerical Schemes For Liquid Crystals Based On The Invariant Energy Quadratization Method
Advisor: Franziska Weber
Entry Position: Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

Zeyu Zhang
Propagation of chaos for order statistics of particle systems with mean-field interaction
Advisor: Martin Larsson
Entry Position: Associate, Quantitative Strategist, Goldman Sachs, New York, NY

Danlei Zhu
Manifold Estimation from Noisy Point Clouds
Advisor: Dejan Slepčev
Entry Position: Junior Quant Trader, Akuna Capital LLC, Chicago


Charles Argue
Chasing Convex Bodies and Functions
Advisor: Anupam Gupta
Entry Position: Lecturer at Yale University, New Haven, CT

Kayla Bollinger
Reduced Order Models and Regression for Applications to Structural Modeling
Advisor: Hayden Schaeffer

Hanif Cheung
Notions of Amalgamation for Abstract Elementary Classes
Advisor: Rami Grossberg
Entry Position: Associate, Fixed Income Division, Quantitative Finance, Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC., London, UK

Likhit Ganedi
Applications of Two Scale Gamma Convergence to Composite Non-Classical Materials
Advisor: Irene Fonseca
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Aachen University, Germany

Mihir Abhay Hasabnis
Topics in Extremal Structures and Random Graphs
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Associate at Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, India

Won Eui Hong
Convergence Problems in Nonlocal Dynamics with Nonlinearity
Advisor: Robert Pego
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Biostatistics Lab at Columbia University, New York, NY

David Itkin
Growth Optimization in Stochastic Portfolio Theory with Applications to Robust Finance and Open Markets
Advisor: Martin Larsson
Entry Position: Chapman Fellow, Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London, London, UK

Oleksandr Rudenko
Topics in Network and Market Optimization
Advisor: R. Ravi
Entry Position: Jane Street Capital, New York, NY


Shaun Allison
Orbit Equivalence Relations and Anticlassification Results
Advisor: Clinton Conley
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Einstein Inst. of Math, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem

Da Qi Chen
Topics in Information Dissemination, Network Fortification and Extremal Structures
Advisor: R. Ravi
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Research Assistant at University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute and Initiative, Charlottesville, VA

Mochong Duan
Numerical Approximations of Viscoelastic Fluids
Advisor: Noel Walkington
Entry Position: Quantitative Associate, Goldman Sachs, New York, NY

Sittinon Jirattikansakul
Blowing up the power of a singular cardinal of any cofinality with collapses
Advisor: James Cummings
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Tel Aviv University

Marcos Mazari Armida
Remarks on classification theory for abstract elementary classes with applications to abelian group theory and ring theory
Advisor: Rami Grossberg
Entry Position: Burnett Meyer Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado

Han Nguyen
Adaptive optimization methods for machine learning
Advisors: Barnabás Póczos & Shlomo Ta'asan
Entry Position: Machine Learning Engineer, Comcast, Philadephia, PA

Matthew Superdock
Topics in topological combinatorics: Simplicial complexes, finite geometries, and the topology of circle-valued maps
Advisor: Florian Frick
Entry Position: Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Rhodes College, Memphis, TN

Son Van
Investigations of the dynamics of models of heat transfer and clustering
Advisors: Gautam Iyer and Robert Pego
Entry Position: Hans Rademacher instructor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Kerrek Stinson
Analysis of a Variational Model for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Advisors: Irene Fonseca and Giovanni Leoni
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Ananya Uppal
Nonparametric Density Estimation under Dual Besov Norms
Advisor: Barnabás Póczos
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas at Austin


Debsoumya Chakraborti
Topics in extremal and random discrete structures
Advisor: Po-Shen Loh
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea

Christopher Cox
Problems in coding theory and extremal combinatorics
Advisor: Boris Bukh
Entry Position: RTG Postdoctoral Research Associate, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Ilqar Ramazanli
Optimal Adaptive Matrix Completion
Advisor: Barnabás Póczos
Entry Position: Research Scientist, Facebook, New York, New York

Antoine Remond-Tiedrez
Nonlinear partial differential equations in fluid dynamics: interfaces, microstructure, and stability
Advisor: Ian Tice
Entry Position: Van Vleck Assistant Professor, University of Madison-Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

Xiaofei Shi
Equilibrium Asset Pricing with Transaction Costs
Advisor: Johannes Muhle-Karbe
Entry Position: Term Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics at Columbia University, New York, New York

Weicheng Ye
Bandit Methods and Selective Prediction in Deep Learning
Advisor: Shlomo Ta'asan
Entry Position: Quantitative Research for Credit Suisse, New York


Christopher Almost
Diffusion Scaling of a Limit-Order Model: The Symmetric Case
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Quantitative Research Analyst, Waterfront International, Toronto, Canada

Michael Anastos
Algorithmic and Structural Properties of Random Graphs
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Freie Universitat, Berlin

Yuanyuan Feng
Dissipation Enhancement by Mixing
Advisor: Gautam Iyer
Entry Position: S. Chowla Assistant Professor (Postdoctoral), Penn State, State College, Pennsylvania

Giovanni Gravina
Variational Techniques for Water Wave and Singular Perturbations
Advisor: Giovanni Leoni
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Charles University,  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic

David Gutman
First-Order Methods in Convex Optimization: Acceleration, Conditioning, and Rescaling
Advisor: Javier Pena
Entry Position: Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas

Adrian Hagerty
Variational Methods for Second Order Structured Deformations and Multiscale Problems
Advisor: Irene Fonseca
Entry Position: Machine Learning Engineer, Edge Case Research

Yan Xu
An Optimal Transport Problem with Backward Martingale Constraint Motivated by Equilibrium with Insider
Advisor: Dmitry Kramkov
Entry Position: Algorithmic Trading, Deutsche Bank, Singapore

Xiaofeng Yu
Diffusion Scaling of a Limit-Order Book Model: The Asymmetric Case
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Research Associate, Goldman Sachs, Jersey City, New Jersey

Jing Zhang
Some Results in Combinatorial Set Theory
Advisor: James Cummings
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Ramat Gan, Israel

Linan Zhang
Sparse Recovery And Deep Learning For Extracting Time-Dependent Models From Data
Advisor: Hayden Schaeffer
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA


Joseph Briggs
Online Algorithms and Extremal Structures
Advisor: Wesley Pegden
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Samuel Cohn
On the Homogenization of Diffusions in Periodic Comb-Like Structues
Advisors: Gautam Iyer and Robert Pego
Entry Position: Google

Praveen Kolli
Topics in Rank-Based Stochastic Differential Equations
Advisor: Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
Entry Position: Machine Learning Engineer, Houzz, Palo Alto, California

Clive Newstead
Algebraic Models of Dependent Type Theory
Advisor: Steve Awodey
Entry Position: Lecturer, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Yue Pu
Weakly Singular Waves and Blow-up for a Regularization of the Shallow-water System
Advisor: Robert Pego
Entry Position: Quantitative Associate, Goldman Sachs, New York, New York

Jing Wang
Escrow and Clawback
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Research Associate, Bank of America, New York, New York

Andrew Zucker
New Directions in the Abstract Topological Dynamics of Polish Groups
Advisor: Clinton Conley
Entry Position: NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France


Arda Antikacioglu
Quantifying and Improving Sales Diversity in Recommender Systems
Advisor: Ramamoorthi Ravi
Entry Position: Vice-President Portfolio Optimization and Management, WorldQuant LLC, Connecticut

Jeff Eisenbeis
Nonlocal Aggregation Dynamics with Near-neighbor Weighting, and the Associated Geometry of Measures
Advisors: Robert Pego and Dejan Slepčev
Entry Position: Software Engineer, HERE Technologies, Carlsbad, California

Jennifer Iglesias
Approximation Algorithms for Faster Communication and Cheaper Networks Using Linear Programming
Advisor: Ramamoorthi Ravi
Entry Position: Software Engineer, Waymo, Mountain View, California

Tony Johansson
Random Graphs and Algorithms
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Mathematics, Uppsala Univ, Sweden

Slav Kirov
Models and Methods for One-Dimensional Approximations to Point Cloud Data
Advisor: Dejan Slepčev
Entry Position: Research Scientist at Eigen Technologies, London UK

Mikhail Lavrov
Results in Ramsey Theory and Probabilistic Combinatorics
Advisor: Po-Shen Loh
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Engineering, University of Illinois and Urbana

Pan Liu
Variational and Partial Differential Equation Methods for Impage Processing
Advisor: Irene Fonseca
Entry Position: Research Associate, Math Dept., University of Cambridge, UK

Thomas Murphy
Convex Analysis of an Equation Arising in Oil Reservoir Models
Advisor: Noel Walkington
Entry Position: Quantitative Researcher, Volant Trading, New York

Matteo Rinaldi
Dynamics of Phase Separation and Pattern Formation
Advisors: Irene Fonseca and Giovanni Leoni
Entry Position: Consultant, Viome, New York

Sebastien Vasey
Superstability and Categoricity in Abstract Elementary Classes
Advisor: Rami Grossberg
Entry Position: Benjamin Pierce Fellow, Math Dept., Harvard University, Mass.


Zhe Cheng
Endogenous Mortgage Current Coupons
Advisor: Scott Robertson
Entry Position: Associate, Fixed Income Division, Morgan Stanley and Co., New York

Jacob Davis
Universal Graphs at $\aleph_{\omega_1+1}$ and Set-theoretic Geology
Advisor: James Cummings
Entry Position: Programmer, Search Dept., Google, Zurich, Switzerland

Tetsuya Ishikawa
Optimal Investment and Pricing in Models Where the Underlying Asset May Default
Advisor: Scott Robertson
Entry Position: Associate, Strats Dept., Morgan Stanley and Co., New York

Zilin Jiang
Problems in Discrete Geometry and Extremal Combinatorics
Advisor: Boris Bukh
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Math Dept., Israel Institute of Technology

Jing Liu
Numerical Approximation of Problems that Arise in Elasticity
Advisor: Noel Walkington
Entry Position: Research Associate, Risk Management Dept., J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., New York

Ryan Murray
Some Asymptotic Results for Phase Transition Models
Advisor: Giovanni Leoni and Robert Pego
Entry Position: Research Assistant Professor, Math Dept., Penn State University, Pennsylvania

Daniel Rodriguez
Models of R-Supercompactness
Advisor: Ernest Schimmerling
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Math Sciences Dept., Carnegie Mellon

Tanawit Sae-Sue
Radner Equilibrium in Infinite and Finite Time-Horizon Lévy Models
Advisor: Kasper Larsen
Entry Position: Lecturer, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Kimberly Weston
Market Stability in Non-equivalent Markets and the Martingale Property of the Dual Optimizer
Advisor: Dmitry Kramkov
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., University of Texas at Austin


Laura Bufford
3D-2D Dimension Reduction of Homogenized Thin Films
Advisor: Irene Fonseca
Entry Position: Software Developer, Epic Corp., Wisconsin

Nicolas Garcia Trillos
Variational Limit of Graph Cuts on Point Clouds
Advisor: Dejan Slepčev
Entry Position: Prager Assistant Prof., Applied Math Dept., Brown Univ.

William Gunther
Some Results on Classical Semantics and Polymorphic Types
Advisor: Richard Statman
Entry Position: Software Developer, Epic Corp., Wisconsin

Justin Hausauer
Sparse Grid Combination Techniques for Solving High-Dimensional Parabolic Equations
with an Application to the LIBOR Market Model

Advisor: Roy Nicolaides
Entry Position: Quantitative Strategist, Kanerai Financial Services, New York

Brian Kell
Decision Diagrams for Combinatorial Optimization and Satisfaction
Advisor: Willem-Jan van Hoeve
Entry Position: Software Engineer, Google, Pittsburgh, PA

Marla Slusky
Integrating Relaxations for Combinatorial Optimization
Advisor: Willem-Jan van Hoeve
Entry Position: Scientist, Dynamic Science Lab, Infor Co., Cambridge, Mass.

Lijiang Wu
Nonlocal Interaction Equations in Heterogeneous and Non-convex Environments
Advisor: David Kinderlehrer and Dejan Slepčev
Entry Position: Associate, Research & Development, Goldman Sachs, New York


Emily Allen
Combinatorial Interpretations of Generalizations of Catalan Numbers and Ballot Numbers
Advisor: Irina Gheorghiciuc
Entry Position: Business Intelligence Developer, Epic Corp., Wisconsin

William Boney
Advances in Classification Theory for Abstract Elementary Classes
Advisor: Rami Grossberg
Entry Position: Benjamin Peirce and NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University

Christopher Lambie-Hanson
Covering Matrices, Squares, Scales, and Stationary Reflection
Advisor: James Cummings
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Einstein Inst. of Math, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem

Yuhui Ouyang
Numerical Approximation of Valuation Equations Incorporating Stochastic Volatility Models
Advisor: Roy Nicolaides
Entry Position: Associate, Security Div., Goldman Sachs, New York

Robert Simione
Properties of Minimizers of Nonlocal Interaction Energy
Advisor: Dejan Slepčev
Entry Position: Head Machine Learning and Data, Waynaut Co., Italy


Deepak Bal
Colorings, Matchings and Packings in Random and Pseudo-Random Graphs
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., Ryerson Univ., Toronto, Canada

Patrick Bennett
Dynamic Concentration in Some Discrete Random Processes
Advisor: Thomas Bohman
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Computer Science Dept., University of Toronto, Canada

Alexandra Klimova
Numerical Algorithm for Options of Asian Type with Continuous Sampling
Advisor: Roy Nicolaides
Entry Position: Associate, Bank of America, New York

Paul McKenney
Forcing Axioms and the Rigidity of Corona Algebra
Advisor: Ernest Schimmerling
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., Miami University, Ohio

Christopher Potter
Kernel Selection for Convergence and Efficiency in Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Advisor: Robert Swendsen
Entry Position: Systems Engineer, Information Systems, Northrop Grumman, Virginia

Jason Rute
Topics in Algorithmic Randomness and Computable Analysis
Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., Penn State Univ., University Park

Brendan Sullivan
Textbook and Course Materials for 21-127 Concepts of Mathematics (Doctor of Arts)
Advisor: Jack Schaeffer
Entry Position: Lecturer, Math Dept., Emmanuel College, Boston, MA

Charalampos Tsourakakis
Mathematical and Algorithmic Analysis of Network and Biological Data
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Science, Aalto University, Finland

Spencer Unger
Some Results on the Tree Property
Advisor: James Cummings
Entry Position: Assistant Adjunct Professor, Math Dept., Univ. California Los Angeles


Ashwini Aroskar
Limits, Regularity and Removal for Relational and Weighted Structures
Advisor: James Cummings
Entry Position: Assistant Professor, Math Dept., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Elena Cristina Canepa
Numerical Simulations of Defaults in Large Banking Systems
Advisor: Shlomo Ta'asan
Entry Position: University Assistant, Dept. of Math Methods and Models, Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest

Oleksii Mostovyi
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions in the Problem of Optimal Investment with Intermediate Consumption
Advisor: Dmitry Kramkov
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., Univ. of Texas, Austin

Paolo Piovano
Evolution and Regularity Results for Expitaxially Strained Thin Films and Material Voids
Advisor: Irene Fonseca and Giovanni Leoni
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Mathematics, Univ. Vienna, Austria


Rita Goncalves Ferreira
Spectral and Homogenization Problems
Advisor: Irene Fonseca and M. Luisa Mascarenas (Portugal)
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Michael Klipper
Analysis for the Beginning Mathematician (Doctor of Arts)
Advisor:  John Mackey
Entry Position: Lecturer, Math Dept., Univ. Georgia, Athens

Peter Lumsdaine
Higher Categories from Type Theories
Advisor: Steve Awodey
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dalhousie University, Canada

Silviu Predoiu
Optimal Execution in a General One-Sided Limit-Order Book and Endogeneous Dynamic Completeness of Financial Models
Advisor: Dmitry Kramkov
Entry Position: Citigroup, New York

Reshma Ramadurai
On Induced Vertex Folkman Numbers
Advisor: Andrzej Dudek
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Computer Science Dept., Masaryk Univ., Czech Republic

Pietro Siorpaes
Marginal Prices, Optimal Investment and Sobolev Parametric Martingales
Advisor: Dmitry Kramkov
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., Univ. Vienna, Austria

Daniel Spector
Characterization of Sobolev and BV Spaces
Advisor: Giovanni Leoni
Entry Position: Research Fellow, Math Dept., Zhejiang Univ., Hungszhou, China

Matthew Szudzik
Some Applications of Recursive Functionals to the Foundations of Mathematics and Physics
Advisor: Rick Statman
Entry Position: Assistant Teaching Prof., Carnegie Mellon Qatar Campus

Zelealem Yilma
Results in Extremal Graph and Hypergraph Theory
Advisor: Oleg Pikhurko
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Univ. Paris, France

Hang Yu
Horizon Dependence of Utility Optimizers in Incomplete Models
Advisor: Kasper Larsen
Entry Position: Associate Vice-President, ETG Dept.,  Knight Capital Group, New Jersey


Maxim Bichuch
Asymptotic Analysis for Optimal Investment and Consumption with Transaction Costs with Two Futures Contracts
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Operations Research & Financial Eng. Dept., Princeton Univ., New Jersey

Brian Seguin
Frame-Free Continuum Thermodynamics
Advisor: Walter Noll
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Math and Statistics Dept., McGill Univ., Canada

Christopher Wallace
Mixed Integer Program Heuristics
Advisor: Egon Balas
Entry Position:  Assistant Prof., Computer and Information Sciences, East Tennessee State Univ.

Anne Yust
Data Driven Modeling and Intervention Design in Large Biological Systems
Advisor: Shlomo Ta’asan
Entry Position: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Birmingham Southern College, Alabama


Pall Melsted
Algorithms on Random Graphs
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Programmer, Human Genetics, Univ. of Chicago, IL

Fritz Obermeyer
Automated Equational Reasoning in Nondeterministic $\lambda$-Calculi Modulo Theories $\mathcal{H}$*
Advisor: Richard Statman
Entry Position: Research Analyst, Toyon Research Corp., California

David Offner
Extremal Problems on the Hypercube
Advisor: Oleg Pikhurko
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Westminster College, PA

Alexander Rand
Delaunay Refinement Algorithms for Numerical Methods
Advisor: Noel Walkington
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Inst. Computational Eng. & Sciences, Univ. Texas Austin

Karl Wimmer
Fourier Methods and Combinatorics in Learning Theory
Advisor: Ryan O’Donnell
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Comp. Sci. & Statistics Dept., Duquesne University, PA


Barbara Anthony
Approximation Algorithms for Network Design with Uncertainty
Advisor: Anupam Gupta
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Computer Science Dept., Southwestern University, Texas

Danut Arama
On a Variational Approach for Stokes Conjectures in Water Waves
Advisor: Giovanni Leoni
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math & Statistics Dept., Loyola University, Illinois

Gerard Brunick
A Weak Existence Result with Application to the Financial Engineer’s Calibration Problem
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Lecturer, Math Dept., Univ. of Texas Austin

Prasad Chebolu
Topics in Random Graphs
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Research Associate, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Liverpool, UK

David German
Corrections to the Prices of Derivatives Due to Market Incompleteness and Price Impact
Advisor: Dmitry Kramkov
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Claremont McKenna College, California

Michael Picollelli
Extremal Problems and Random Processes on Graphs
Advisor: Thomas Bohman
Entry Position: Supplemental Faculty, Math Sciences Dept., Univ. of Delaware

Bernardo Sousa
Variational Methods for Phase Transitions
Advisors: Irene Fonseca and Giovanni Leoni
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math & Statistics Dept., McMaster Univ., Canada

Henry Towsner
Some Results in Logic and Ergodic Theory
Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Sciences Research Inst., Berkeley, CA

Michael Young
Triangle Problems in Extremal Graph Theory
Advisors: James Cummings and John Mackey
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math & Statistics Dept., Smith College, Mass.


Graca Carita
Relaxation in SBV for Constrained-valued Fields
Advisors: Irene Fonseca and Giovanni Leoni
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., University Evora, Portugal

Albert Cohen
A Probabilistic Analysis of Two Dimensional Grain Growth
Advisor: David Kinderlehrer
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., Michigan State Univ.


Kelley Burgin
Hamilton Cycles in Random Graphs
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Applied Research Mathematician, Dept. of Defense, Maryland

Milica Cudina
Asymptotically Optimal Control for Some Time-Varying Stochastic Networks
Advisors: Steven Shreve and Kavita Ramanan
Entry Position: Lecturer, Math Dept., Univ. of Texas Austin

Abraham Flaxman
Average-Case Analysis for Combinatorial Problems
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position:  Theory Group, Microsoft Research, Washington

Sean Hilden
Allocation of Risk Capital via Intra-Firm Trading
Advisor: David Heath
Entry Position: Associate, Model Validation, Lehman Brothers, New York

Anatoli Karolik
Modeling Correlated Credit Rating Migrations
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Associate, Credit Derivatives, Bank of Nova Scotia

David Kravitz
Satisfiability and the Giant Component in Online Variants of the Classical Random Models
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Applied Mathematician, National Security Agency, Maryland

Venkatesh Natarajan
Independent Sets in Powers of Odd Cycles and the Global Min-Cut Problem
Advisor: Thomas Bohman
Entry Position: Research Software Scientist, Google, New York

Juan Vera
Variations on the Preferential Attachment Graph
Advisors: Alan Frieze and Javier Pena
Entry Position:  Postdoctoral Fellow, Computer Science Dept., Georgia Tech


Konstantin Andreev
Approximation Algorithms for Network Design and Graph Partitioning Problems
Advisor: Bruce Maggs
Entry Position: Consultant, Pricing Analytics, Chatham Financial, PA

Margarida Baia
Variational Multiscale Problems and Applications to Thin Films
Advisor: Irene Fonseca
Entry Position: Professor Auxiliar, Math Dept., Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal

Stephen D’Silva
Time Consistent and Currency Invariant Risk Adjusted Valuations
Advisor: David Heath
Entry Position: Associate, Fixed Income Research, Lehman Brothers, New York

Caner Kazanci
Statistical Analysis and Reverse Engineering of Large Biochemical Networks
Advisor: Shlomo Ta’asan
Entry Position: Assistant Professor, Math & Engineering Dept., Univ. of Georgia

Stephen Pankavich
The Vlasov-Poisson System with Infinite Mass and Energy
Advisor: Jack Schaeffer
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., Indiana Univ.

Traian Pirvu
Maximizing Portfolio Growth Rate under Risk Constraints
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., Univ. British Columbia

Cristina Popovici
Coupled Singular Perturbations and Homogenization in Phase Transitions
Advisor: Irene Fonseca
Entry Position: Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., University of Utah

Adam Speight
Multigrid Methods for Calibrating Financial Models
Advisor: Shlomo Ta’asan
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Risk Management and Insurance, Georgia State Univ.

Adrian Tudorascu
Optimal Mass Transportation Methods for Gradient Flows in the Weak Topology
Advisor: David Kinderlehrer
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., Georgia Tech Univ.

Aris Winger
On Pattern Formation in a One Dimensional Viscoelastic System with Numerical Computation
Advisors: William Hrusa and Roy Nicolaides
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math and Computer Sci. Dept., Emory and Henry College, Virginia


Marian Bocea
A Young Measure Approach to Nonlinear Membrane Theory
Advisor: Irene Fonseca
Entry Position: Visiting Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Univ. of Utah

Chad Brown
Set Comprehension in Church’s Type Theory
Advisor: Peter Andrews
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Universitat des Saarlandes, Germany

Karel Janecek
Futures Trading Model with Transaction Costs
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Research Scientist, Radon Institute, Austria

Alexei Kolesnikov
Generalized Amalgamation in Simple Theories and Characterization of Dependence in Non-Elementary Cases
Advisor: Rami Grossberg
Entry Position: Visiting Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Paul Komarek
Logistic Regression for Data Mining and High-Dimensional Classification
Advisor: Andrew Moore
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Robotics Inst, Carnegie Mellon Univ.

Kerry Ojakian
Combinatorics in Bounded Arithmetic
Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Math & Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic

Luca Petrelli
Variational Principle for General Diffusion Problems
Advisor: David Kinderlehrer
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math & Comp. Sci. Dept., Mount St. Mary’s Univ., Maryland

Petronella Radu
On Semilinear Wave Equations
Advisor: Luc Tartar
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln

Juan Rivera
Portfolio Choice under Risk Limits: A Coherent Approach
Advisor: Dmitry Kramkov
Entry Position: Assistant Vice President, Risk Analytics, Pittsburgh National Corp.

Ksenija Simic
Aspects of Ergodic Theory in Subsystems of Second-Order Arithmetic
Advisor: Jeremy Avigad
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Dept., Univ. Arizona, Tucson

Mihai Sirbu
A Two-Person Game for Pricing Convertible Bonds
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Assistant Professor, Math Dept., Columbia Univ., New York

Kathryn Trapp
A Class of Compatible Discretizations with Applications to Div-Curl Systems
Advisor: Roy Nicolaides
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math & Comp. Sci. Dept., Univ. of Richmond, Virginia

Mingxin Xu
Minimizing Shortfall Risk Using Duality Approach – An Application to Partial Hedging in Incomplete Markets
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Univ. North Carolina, Charlotte


Geoffrey Atkinson
b-independent Sets in Random Graphs
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Seton Hill Univ., PA

John Krueger
Saturated Ideals
Advisor: James Cummings
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Kurt Godel Research Center for Math Logic, Austria

Steven Pav
Delaunay Refinement Algorithms
Advisor: Noel Walkington
Entry Position: Visiting Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Univ. California, San Diego

Pedro Santos
On Some Constrained Variational Problems
Advisor: Irene Fonseca
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal

Peng Yu
Bridging Scales in Fluids and Materials Science
Advisor: Shlomo Ta’asan
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Penn State Univ.


Daniil Bunimovich
Modeling and Pricing of Collateralized Debt Obligations
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Associate Math Researcher, Credit Trading & Structuring, Bank of Nova Scotia

Jianping Liu
Molecular Models for Fluid Mixtures and Their Large Scale Dynamics
Advisor: Shlomo Ta’asan
Entry Position: Senior Application Engineer, Oracle Corp., New York

Ojas Parekh
Polyhedral Techniques for Graphic Covering Problems
Advisor: Ramamoorthi Ravi
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math & Comp. Sci. Dept., Emory University, Georgia

Monica VanDieren
Categoricity and Stability in Abstract Elementary Classes
Advisor: Rami Grossberg
Entry Position: Szego Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Stanford University, California


Mikil Foss
On Lavrentiev’s Phenomenon
Advisors: William Hrusa and Victor Mizel
Entry Position: Visiting Associate Prof., Math Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University

Bjarni Halldorsson
Algorithms for Biological Sequence Problems
Advisor: Ramamoorthi Ravi
Entry Position: Computer Scientist, Informatics Research, Maryland


Yuri Greenfield
Hedging of the Credit Risk Embedded in Derivative Transactions
Advisor: John Lehoczky
Entry Position: Research Analyst, Derivatives Research Dept., Lehman Brothers, New York

Diego Jara
An Extension of Levy’s Theorem and Applications to Financial Models Based on Futures Prices
Advisor: David Heath
Entry Position: Associate, Fixed Income Derivatives, Lehman Brothers, New York

Aggelos Tsikas
Solid State Mass Diffusion with Crystalline Interfacial Energy
Advisor: Morton Gurtin
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Applied Math Dept., National Technical Univ., Athens, Greece

Feyzullah Egriboyun
Optimal Investment and Consumption with Reallocation and Drawdown Constraints
Advisor: Mete Soner
Entry Position: Developer/Modeler, Global Mode and Analytics, CS First Boston Corp., New York

Goran Konjevod
Generalizing Set Cover: Approximation Algorithms for Group Steiner Trees and Related Problems
Advisor: Ramamoorthi Ravi
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Computer Sci. & Engineering Dept., Arizona State Univ.

Jan Vecer
Options on a Traded Account
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Visiting Assistant Prof., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Matthew Bishop
Mating Search without Path Enumeration
Advisor: Peter Andrews
Entry Position: Research Associate, Computing Dept., Imperial College, UK

Jeffery Boats
Linear Algebra Textbook Implementing Instructional Technology
Advisor: Richard MacCamy
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Dept. Math & Comp. Sci., Univ. Detroit Mercy, Michigan

Byungduck Chough
Numerical Techniques for Macroscopic Dynamics of Particle Systems: Dilute Gases
Advisor: Shlomo Ta’asan
Entry Position: Senior Technical Member, Network Maintenance Solutions, AT&T, New Jersey

Roberto Virga
Higher-Order Rewriting with Dependent Types
Advisor: Frank Pfenning
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Computer Science Dept., Princeton Univ., New Jersey

Lei Zhao
Disjoint Paths in Random Graphs
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Software Design Engineer, Microsoft Corp., Washington


Olivier Lessmann
Dependence Relations in Non-elementary Classes
Advisor: Rami Grossberg
Entry Position: Research Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Univ. Illinois, Chicago

Neil Simonetti
Applications of a Dynamic Programming Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem
Advisor: Egon Balas
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math/Science Dept., Bryn Athyn College of the New Church, PA

Dennis Wong
A Unifying Credit Model
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Research Assistant, Research and Advising Services, Scotia Capital Markets, Canada

Uwe Wystup
Valuation of Exotic Options under Short-selling Constraints
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Product and Modeling Specialist, Foreign Exchange Options Div., Sal.Oppenheim  Jr. & CIE, Germany

Hongwei Xi
Dependent Types in Practical Programming
Advisor: Frank Pfenning
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Electrical & Computer Eng. & Comp. Sci. Dept., Univ. Cincinnati, Ohio

Andrew Yershov
Numerical Methods for the Shallow Water Equations
Advisor: James Greenberg
Entry Position: Actuarial Assistant, Insurance Services Office, New York


George Christopher
Structure and Applications of Totally Decomposable Metrics
Advisor: Michael Trick
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math & Statistics Dept., Rochester Inst. Tech., New York

Bogdan Doytchinov
Heavy Traffic Limits of Queues with Due Dates
Advisor: Steven Shreve
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Math Sciences Dept., Carnegie Mellon

Sergio Gutierrez
Laminations in Linearized Elasticity and a Lusin Type Theorem for Sobolev Spaces
Advisor: Luc Tartar
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Pont. Universidad Catolica de Chile

Raul Kangro
Analysis of Artificial Boundary Conditions for Black-Scholes Equations
Advisor: Roy Nicolaides
Entry Position: Senior Researcher, Math Dept., Tartu University, Estonia

Urve Kangro
Spurious Fields in Computational Electromagnetics
Advisor: Roy Nicolaides
Entry Position: Senior Researcher, Math Dept., Tartu University, Estonia

Priyantha Perera
Liquid Diffusion Couple in a Microgravity Environment
Advisor: Robert Sekerka
Entry Position: Quantitative Application Developer, FactSet Research Systems, Inc., Connecticut

Stephen Watson
Unique Global Solvability for Initial-Boundary Value Problems in One-Dimensional Nonlinear
Thermoviscoelasticity with Phase Transitions
Advisor: William Hrusa
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Univ. Louisiana, Baton Rouge

Gregor Weiske
On Some Problems Related to Linear Elasticity, Optimal Design and Homogenization
Advisor: Luc Tartar


Hui Chen
On Some Problems of Hypergraphs
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Quantitative Strategist, Fixed Income Research, Credit Suisse First Boston, New York

Christopher Larsen
Variational and Measure Theoretic Techniques for Material Equilibria
Advisor: Irene Fonseca
Entry Position: Visiting Assistant Prof., Math Sciences Dept., Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Mass.

Da-qing Wang
Applications of the Co-volume Method in Computational Electromagnetics
Advisor: Roy Nicolaides
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Math Sciences Dept., Univ. Delaware, Newark

Han Wang
Numerical Solution of a Non-convex Optimization Problem Modeling Martensitic Microstructure
Advisor: Roy Nicolaides
Entry Position: Visiting Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Univ. of North Carolina, Charlotte


Jonathan Aronson
Analysis of a Randomized Greedy Matching Algorithm
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Center for Computing Sciences, Bowie, Maryland

Robert Carr
Polynomial Separation Procedures and Facet Determination for Inequalities of the Traveling Salesman Polytope
Advisors: Egon Balas and Gerald Thompson
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Grad School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon Univ.

Dmitry Golovaty
The Volume Preserving Motion by Mean Curvature as an Asymptotic Limit of Reaction-Diffusion Equations
Advisor: Mete Soner
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math & Comp. Sci. Dept., Univ. Akron, Ohio

Romaine Jayewardene
Relations and Functional Relations in Categories with Examples from Fuzzy Set Theory
Advisor: Oswald Wyler
Entry Position: Lecturer, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Michel Schellekens
The Smyth Completion: A Common Topological Foundation for Denotational Semantics and Complexity Analysis
Advisor: Stephen Brookes
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, UK


Ana Barroso
Variational Methods for Phase Transitions
Advisor: Irene Fonseca
Entry Position: Assistant Prof., Math Dept., Univ. Lisboa, Portugal

Michael Molloy
Random Graphs with a Fixed Degree Sequence
Advisor: Alan Frieze
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Computer Science Dept., Univ. Toronto, Canada

Dmitry Pugachevsky
A Stochastic Control Problem for Nematic Liquid Crystals with Variable Degree of Orientation
Advisor: Victor Mizel
Entry Position: Associate, Global Investment Banking, Bankers Trust Co., New York

W. Dow Rieder
An Optimal Algorithm for the Construction of Voronoi-Delaunay Mesh Systems in General Domains
Advisor: Roy Nicolaides

Kristina Vuskovic
On Balanced Bipartite Graphs
Advisor: Gerard Cornuejos
Entry Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Combinatorics & Optimization Dept., University of Waterloo, Canada

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